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The plan was presented to the municipal authorities in Mykolaiv on July 4th 
The masterplan is a summary of the work undertaken by COWI (Denmark) and the One Works Foundation (Italy) with the purpose of delivering a sustainable strategy for the reconstruction of buildings, energy infrastructure, water supply and for ensuring better waste management and access to public places infrastructure and places in Mykolaiv. Both companies lead a multi-disciplinary team of institutions and practices from across Europe. Besides providing overarching principles, the proposed approach. The masterplan focuses on “pilot” or “investment” projects aimed at bridging the gap between today’s Mykolaiv and tomorrow’s Mykolaiv and attracting international donors to join projects.

According to Mayor Sienkevych, the masterplan should become a roadmap for the city’s future development. Further steps will be taken to finalize it and bring it in accordance with the Ukrainian law before it can be implemented.

Ambassador Ole Egberg Mikkelsen was present on this occasion. In his speech, he evoked the times when the idea of developing a masterplan for Mykolaiv was conceived by the Mayor, at a very early stage of the Denmark-Mykolaiv partnership, while the Russians were still at the gates of the city. “To me, the masterplan makes a lot sense and it will undoubtedly bring Mykolaiv closer to its vision to become “a small Denmark”. These are some of the elements that we are using in our own green transformation. But basically it not up to me or to Denmark if this is the way that Mykolaiv should pursue. It is up to the mayor, the city council and not least the citizens of Mykolaiv. I hope that the master plan will be used as a solid technical foundation for discussions in Mykolaiv on how to jointly formulate and implement the vision of the city you want. There are many visions out there. When we had the memorable bike ride back in September last year I met a group of young people. When I asked them about their vision for their city they pointed to Dubai. They wanted Mykolaiv to become a “a little Dubai on the Black Sea”. Thus there are many visions out there and Denmark is just one of them. Now it is up to the citizens of Mykolaiv and their elected leaders to decide”. 

Full speech is available for download here.