Denmark Supports Ukraine: Facts and Figures
Pursuant to resounding worldwide condemnation of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and together with our partners and allies in the EU and NATO, Denmark strongly condemns Russia’s ongoing brutal, unjustifiable and unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine. It constitutes a gross violation of international law, brings immense suffering to the people of Ukraine and is an attack on the international rule-based order and our democratic values.
Denmark fully supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. Denmark fully supports and works to maintain the broad, cross-regional alliance in defence of Ukraine’s sovereignty as stipulated in the Uniting for Peace resolution. Denmark has launched active outreach internationally in order to build and maintain a broad and united approach towards Russia’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s aggression in Ukraine is not only a matter for Europe, but for the world. The war exacerbates already existing global challenges. A long-term defender of multilateral cooperation, Denmark will continue to defend the UN Charter, strengthen the multilateral system and mitigate the derivative consequences of the war in Ukraine in cooperation and solidarity.
Together with our partners and friends in the EU we have adopted massive and unprecedented sanctions against Russia. The EU and member states has provided military support to Ukraine totalling EUR 3.6 billion to date, granted EU candidate status to Ukraine, and rendered civilian support totalling EUR 19.7 billion. In addition, Denmark has seconded ten civilian experts to Ukraine, nine to the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine and one to OSCE Ukraine, to assist with stabilisation and crisis management in the country, financed through Denmark’s Peace and Stabilisation Response.
Denmark shows solidarity with Ukraine through multifaceted and long-term support provided bilaterally and in concert with our partners and allies. Since the outbreak of the war, Danish support to Ukraine amounts to approximately EUR 565 million in military support and EUR 192 million in civilian, including humanitarian, contributions. Some of the Danish focus areas are military support, humanitarian and acute support, financial support to the Ukrainian state, accountability, mine clearance, protection of women and children, reconstruction, the special partnership with Mykolaiv, and anti-corruption.
Please download the full report here.