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Accompanied by members of the Danish Parliament, Minister of Defence Troels Lund Poulsen visited key defence industry companies in Ukraine on 13-14 September. These companies are set to receive investment from Denmark on behalf of the EU. During his visit, the Minister also took part in the Yalta Security Policy Conference in Kyiv.
Defenсe Minister Troels Lund Poulsen during the tests of the Bohdana howitzers in Ukraine, Spring 2024

Minister of Defence Troels Lund Poulsen has been in Ukraine on 13-14 September to visit companies that produce long-range drones for Ukraine's defence. Denmark is already investing in the Ukrainian defence industry and has recently financed artillery produced in Ukraine.

Following Denmark's initiative to invest directly in Ukraine's defence industry, the European Commission has asked the Danish government to lead the effort to use frozen Russian assets to fund the Ukrainian defence industry.

‘It is still important, but it is no longer sufficient, to simply send military donations to Ukraine. We need to invest directly in Ukraine's defence industry at the same time. We did this when we invested in 18 Bohdana howitzers just a few months ago. I am very pleased that the European Commission recognises the so-called Danish model and is now encouraging other Member States to also invest directly in Ukraine's defence industry,’ says Minister of Defence Troels Lund Poulsen.

During the visit, the Minister was informed that all 18 howitzers have already been handed over to Ukrainian forces.

In addition to visiting the Ukrainian defence industry, Defence Minister Troels Lund Poulsen participated in the Yalta security conference, which has been held in Kyiv since Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea.

The Minister's trip to Ukraine was accompanied by members of the Danish Parliament's Intelligence Services Committee.

Key facts:

• DKK 1.3 billion from Denmark's Ukraine Fund will support Ukrainian defence procurement.

• Denmark will manage EUR 394.6 million from frozen Russian assets to aid Ukraine’s defence industry under the EU's windfall mechanism.

Photo 1 and 3 credit: UA Ministry of Defence. Photo 2 credit: Forsvarsministeriet.